On a political note...

There is a sad realization that needs to be understood now... if voting keeps going the way it has been, the working class will become obsolete. There will be the poor and the wealthy and nothing else.

Each year, tuition for public universities in WA continues to be raised at least 7% and for the next two years will be raised 11%. This is happening across the country. Students in WA now pay more than 50% of their own tuition. We are getting dangerously close to having all public universities be private. At some point, only the elite (or those willing to accept a debt so large it will bury them the rest of their life) will be able to afford even a "public" education. Income taxes were voted down that would tax individuals who make more than $200,000 and couples that make more than $400,000. Those funds would have gone towards education (k-12 as well as higher ed) and health care. It would also repeal taxes that apply to middle and lower income individuals.

WA residents also repealed the candy tax this year. Taxes on certain candies have previously gone towards healthcare...I have to ask... Are you really more concerned about paying an extra cent or two than the health and livelihood of your neighbor?

To the middle and lower class who continue to make such foolish decisions... do you realize the consequences of your actions? You have been enjoying the benefits of programs and services that are paid for by taxes. You continue to make decisions that sabotage these programs. Then you are mad that they get cut, or that tuition gets raised. Suddenly life is becoming less affordable and there are less things out there to help you. Well I hate to break it but you are doing it to yourself. And now you are creating a life worse for your children and your grandchildren.

Please, look at the big picture. Recognize that public goods and services as well as programs have to have a fund source. That source is taxes. The money has to come somewhere. You can either vote for taxes that actually make sense and benefit the good of the community or you can continue to think about how you don't want to pay an extra two cents here and there, or tax the wealthy and well established.

Imagine a world where there isn't enough money to maintain an acceptable level of K-12 education and where the middle class can no longer afford to attend public universities. Do you really want to live in that world? I do not.

Educate yourselves. Look beyond the trivial 30-second commercials you see on tv. Look beyond your party affiliation. Think about what is best for yourself, your family, your neighbors, your entire community.


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