Your body is just too...

My entire life people have picked apart my body. My my forehead is too big and so are my ears. My boobs are too flat. I am too short. My ribs stick out too much. I am too skinny. My arms are too hairy. My feet are too big. My hair and eyes are boring brown. I should dye my hair. I should wear push up bras. I should buy clothes that accentuate certain features while minimizing others. I should, I should, I should. 

I was raised in a culture that creates unrealistic images of women and plasters them all over the media. I am surrounded by magazines and books and tv shows that tell me how I can make myself better and more beautiful. Apparently, I am not enough to them.

I have spent most of my life not being the ideal... and you want to know what? I don't care anymore! The reality is, no one meets society's standard of perfection. And who would want to? It is a pretty creepy ideal... and it is just too generic for my style. So here is what I have decided... Nothing on my body is too much anything. I am fucking beautiful. Deal with it. That isn't arrogance. That isn't conceitedness. That isn't cockiness. That is the realization that I like myself just the way I am.

Beauty isn't in the eye of the beholder, it is in the soul... and my soul has plenty of wisdom and beauty. And it radiates through me. All of those features that people point out make me ME. I was born with specific DNA that created every single feature. It makes me unique, one-of-a-kind. And you know what, I think I am beautiful inside AND out. I love me.

I look at myself everyday in the mirror and remind myself that I am beautiful. Sometimes the world makes it hard to feel that. But I know in my core it is true, so even when my foundation begins to shake, I will come back to that truth and find comfort in it.


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